Sunday, December 12, 2010


 The movie Silkwood was about a company that was producing dangerous chemicals such as plutonium. A woman by the the name of Karen Silkwood become aware of the unethical issues that were going on at the chemical plant she was working at. Being that the company knew they were producing chemicals that were harmful to the environment and the workers , which caused many of them to leave the plants or have the chemicals painfully scrubbed off of them. Karen Silkwood later died in a car accident.

In my opinion, these same issues arise in our society today with industrial companies that know their plant is producing harmful chemicals and they do not want to change their ways of production because of loss monetary gains. The movie was interesting I thought it goes to show how far environmental policies have come  about due to media, grassroot movements, and governmental policies being implemented.

Just a little tree huggin

Tree hug!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"The Planktons"

Aquatic microphyte is a plant that is emergent, submergent, or floating.  This plants
serves as a food and cover for fish and provides oxygen. 
The Barracuda fish can be found in tropical waters . These fierce fish can grown to be  as long as 5 ft. 
The Crustacean family includes aquatic animals such as lobster, crab, and shrimp.
Baboons can be located on the eastern part of  Africa, living near tress and places of water source for survival. 
Zoo-plankton can be found in larval forms in marine invertebrates such as crabs.
Phytoplankton in the aquatic environment are used to feed other organism such as oysters and claims.  




Beetles, leafs, and Ginger!!!!

The Southern Pine Beetle can be found in the Southern parts of the  U.S., Mexico, and Central America.
Also this beetle is said to be one of the most destructive animals of the forest. 

Leaf litter decomposition in the Tapajos National
Forest in Brazil. 
Leaf before it goes through the decomposition process. 

Decomposition of leaf litter is a major source of nutrients in forest ecosystems. As leaves are broken down by insect and microbial decomposers, organically-bound nutrients are released as free ions to the soil solution which are then available for uptake by plants. In this exercise students will measure the rate of decomposition of leaf litter during winter, spring, and summer at contrasting sites using the litter bag technique.

Wild Ginger is a heart shaped  Plant
can grow to be between  6-15 inches
usually around Spring time. These plants
are also used for medical treatments.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mitochondrial Eve

Mitochondrial Eve is defined as the woman who is the matrilineal most recent common ancestor for all living humans. It is believed that most of the ancestors of Mitochondrial Eve originated from the region of East Africa. This idea further confirms that all humans have some type of Mitochondrial DNA in their body. Mitochondrial Eve is thought to be a woman that lived in eastern Africa about 140,000 years ago. The concept is distinct from most recent common ancestor because the number of ancestors one has goes up exponentially as one travels back into time, the most recent shared common ancestor of all humanity lived more recently, probably less than 100,000 years ago. But due to sexual recombination of nuclear DNA, every living person today has only a fraction of shared genetic material with that common ancestor.
Painting of Mitochondrial Eve about             
150,000 years ago.                                        
Dominican woman
Male from Cameroon
Nigerian Women

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ecological Niche


The organism I chose to do my ecological niche on is the beaver. In a beavers ecological niche, one might  find trees branches, ponds , and other organisms (foxes, coyotes, and wolves) near wetlands.  Beavers use the trees as a sources of nutrients while their dam building provides as a habit for other organisms in a niche; such as fish, frogs. and water plants. Overall, the ecological niche of a beaver is define as providing habitat for other animals through their dam building as well being prey for other animals.

Oregon St. Beaver and Oregon Duck

Favorite Biome!!!!!!!

The biome that I found to be the most interesting was the cold desert biome. The cold desert consist of species such as; jack rabbits, kangaroo rabbits, pocket mice, antelope, lizards, and coyotes. On average, the temperature for the cold desert  located in Antarctica is between -2 and 4 degrees Celsius. During the summer the temperature shows very little change with temperatures being between 21-26 degrees Celsius. This biome also receives a bit snow, in the winter there can be as much as 15-26 amount of snow. I chose this biome because the desert is an interesting place to me and I have never heard of a "cold" desert.

Cold Desert

kangrat.jpg (48155 bytes)
Kangaroo Rat

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Marine Biology Lab In Woods Hole

The Marine Biology Lab in Woods Hole was started in 1888 as a non-profit organization. Over the years there has been has been a transition of the sciences that were being studied there. When the MBL opened its main focus only biology, today there are much more fields they study ( microbiology, molecular evolution, neurobiology, and infectious diseases. This building is used by students to research biomedical and environmental issues.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect refers to  how one small variable can effect a giant system.  For example, this theory is called the Butterfly effect because it is believed that the air from a butterfly wings causes heavy winds and ultimately a tornado. This Idea was created by the a meteorologist Edward Lorenz who was testing his principle if Seagulls  wing movements change the weather.